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Duncan Multiple Range Test Software: A Powerful Tool for Post Hoc Analysis

In statistics, Duncan's new multiple range test (MRT) is a multiple comparison procedure developed by David B. Duncan in 1955. Duncan's MRT belongs to the general class of multiple comparison procedures that use the studentized range statistic qr to compare sets of means.

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Duncan's multiple range test makes use of the studentized range distribution in order to determine critical values for comparisons between means. Note that different comparisons between means may differ by their significance levels- since the significance level is subject to the size of the subset of means in question.

Note that although this procedure makes use of the Studentized range, his error rate is neither on an experiment-wise basis (as with Tukey's) nor on a per- comparisons basis. Duncan's multiple range test does not control the family-wise error rate. See Criticism Section for further details.

Comparative chart of multiple comparison tests (MCTs). Five representative methods are listed along the X-axis, and the parameters to be compared among these methods are listed along the Y-axis. Some methods use the range test and pairwise MCT concomitantly. The Dunnett and Newman-Keuls methods are comparable with respect to conservativeness. The Dunnett method uses one significance level, and the Newman-Keuls method compares pairs using the stepwise procedure based on the changes in range test statistics during the procedure. According to the range between the groups, the significance level is changed in the Newman-Keuls method. HSD: honestly significant difference.

Formulae and Methodology: The one-way ANOVA starting point of this calculator reproducesthe output of Microsoft Excel's built-in ANOVA feature. The follow-up post-hoc Tukey HSD multiple comparisonpart of this calculator is based on the formulae and procedures at the NISTEngineering Statistics Handbook page on Tukey's method. Tukey originatedhis HSD test, constructed for pairs with equal number of samples in each treatment, way back in 1949. Whenthe sample sizes are unequal, we the calculator automatically applies the Tukey-Kramer method Krameroriginated in 1956. A decent writeup on these relevant formulae appear inthe Tukey range testWiki entry. The NIST Handbook page mentions this modification but dooesnot provide the formula, while the Wiki entry makes adequately specifies it.

Hello Carlos,QCRIT is a Real Statistics function. You can use it like a true Excel function, but first, you need to download and install the free Real Statistics add-in.For more information about QCRIT, see 2ff7e9595c

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